Sports card auctions

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hello all,
I've been apart of a Facebook page for 'mimco handbags' (most of you males probably won't know what they are)

But the basic low down that happens is a $50 handbag gets posted by admin then they have eg 20 spots at $5 then once all the spots are filled and payed for (just like cherry collectables) the names then 1 person obviously is over the moon.

Could be a fun little game to have on this site, little risk big return. Could even attract people to the site!!!
Obviously a head honcho would run it to prove that it's reliable etc etc.
Would love to hear some feedback from you fellow members! :)
there are many pages like this already out there and they will not be advertised on here. I'm sure another member will pm you with names.

Astounding they would allow the seller to make more than the value of the product though

Raffles are raffles. Group breaks where everyone gets a team are not raffles. One is illegal, one is not.

If someone decided to dob in an individual or business for running "razzes" they would be told to stop running them. That's why we don't have them here.
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