Spiderman 1994/fleer ultra 1995 and xmen fleer ultra 1995 : WANTED

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Hey guys, would be much appreciated if i could get some bits and pieces from the following sets;

Marvel-The amazing spiderman 1994 (1st edition)

Fleer Ultra Spider-man 1995

Fleer Ultra X-men 1995

There is quite a few chases and maybe 40-50 bases I need. Looking to find any Aus dealers, preferable Sydney.

Hit me up if you have parts of these sets and i will give you a listing. Thankyou :lol:
This is what I have according to my lists:

Amazing Spiderman 1994: Suspended Animation 10
Fleer Ultra Spider-man 1995: Clearchrome 5 (Lizard), Golden Web 1 2 3 4 5 9
Fleer Ultra X-men 1995: Error 98, 2 card panel, Hunters & Stalkers 2 8, Suspended Animation 1 6 8 10

Let me know if any are cards you need. Jen
I have a full spare set of the suspended animation (SA) cards from the 94 spiderman.
I also have a couple of individual SA spares #1,2,8.
IMAO to date, still the best chase set I have ever seen!!

I have a bunch of spares from the 95 Spidey set. What exactly are you chasing?
Farout, this site is so cool; i post a thread and get an awesome response so quick.. I wasnt even ready with my entire listing yet haha.

But ok; ive broken it down alot now, and found 1 closeby dealer who has about 12 of the cards I need, there is still few others im chasing.

from Amazing Spiderman 1994;

Suspended 5, 7

Holograms; 3,4

All gold web foils

Ultra Fleer 1995 spiderman;

Clearchrome 2, 8, 10

Holoblast 3

Golden Web 2

Masterpieces 2,3,5,9

Ultra Xmen 1995 (chromium set, srry I wasnt specific enough before this set confused me a little)

Lethal 5,7

Alternate X 5,6

Ok, so i think thats it for now; i have about 60 base cards i will need to get too, i will post after i sort these out though. Also i should probably work on promo's after i finish the mains. Finally if you have variations in any holograms(1994 spiderman) Im willing to pick them up if I dont have it already.

Stay sweet.

The ultra xmen chromium set I have the Lethal Weapons #8 you are chasing and a stack of spare base cards on my non-sport trade page. Have a look thru and let me know if I can help.

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