I've done several deals with people in Philippines and have not had any problems
Although this one has all the hallmarks of being dodgy, for which i have been burnt before so i just wanted to raise it. I often put low ball bids on items and had been burnt after thinking won something quite cheap before, when it seems to be a quick money grab.
I know the pictures look pretty dubious anyway but here are the sales for user: hopetolast
Some of this should be common sense anyway but these facts are a bit alarming:
Selling some higher end cards all of a sudden
Low Resolution pictures (most phones should take HD pictures)
Having quite low feedback (less than 50 - even though it is established over 6 months)
Only internationally shipping to the USA (when other places are closer?) which'll take close to a month. This is of particular interest as they want the shipping to take 3-4 weeks.
The shipping in particular, i suspect is used to create a time frame of close to a month is likely what is required to distance themselves from paypal (cancel cards/close bank accounts or something?)
I wonder how much sales feedback you need before you can clear your money sooner and potentially do a runner.
Just a similar set of cicumstances happened to me and they sent me a common card. I claimed through paypal without much problems, but i suspect they coudld've gotten away with it and paypal/banks need to pay themselves while they get away.
Finally i'd like to see if any of my speculation is true. If so i suspect to see the users account with some negative feedback which is made private or i could be wrong!
Although this one has all the hallmarks of being dodgy, for which i have been burnt before so i just wanted to raise it. I often put low ball bids on items and had been burnt after thinking won something quite cheap before, when it seems to be a quick money grab.
I know the pictures look pretty dubious anyway but here are the sales for user: hopetolast
Some of this should be common sense anyway but these facts are a bit alarming:
Selling some higher end cards all of a sudden
Low Resolution pictures (most phones should take HD pictures)
Having quite low feedback (less than 50 - even though it is established over 6 months)
Only internationally shipping to the USA (when other places are closer?) which'll take close to a month. This is of particular interest as they want the shipping to take 3-4 weeks.
The shipping in particular, i suspect is used to create a time frame of close to a month is likely what is required to distance themselves from paypal (cancel cards/close bank accounts or something?)
I wonder how much sales feedback you need before you can clear your money sooner and potentially do a runner.
Just a similar set of cicumstances happened to me and they sent me a common card. I claimed through paypal without much problems, but i suspect they coudld've gotten away with it and paypal/banks need to pay themselves while they get away.
Finally i'd like to see if any of my speculation is true. If so i suspect to see the users account with some negative feedback which is made private or i could be wrong!