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ace e

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Just a small piece of news:

My wife is 6 weeks pregnant, she had an ultrasound today.
This will be our 2nd (we have a 2 yr old girl as well).

yes, please don't mind my clumpsy reading, first i read 6 months.. :lol: and after posting i realised, u just posted the news.. sorry..

well, let us know when 6 months ultrasound is conducted..

happy news for u indeed... :)
cheers tony, Johny Howard promised us some cash (hopefully some for cards ;) ) and it was too good an offer.

you better buy your cards wisely ace the little pittance howard gives you is a little bit less then it cost to raise a child :lol:
i know, and we are on one income so not looking good for the hobby (as the wife kindly reminded me :( ) . I plan on a big sell on ebay in the coming days to balance the book a bit.
i know, and we are on one income so not looking good for the hobby (as the wife kindly reminded me :( ) . I plan on a big sell on ebay in the coming days to balance the book a bit.

don't forget to post your sale here stud :lol:
might have to pick up a bargain or two to help the ace fund ;)
tony :D
theflyinggerco - thx buddy.

tony - i will put up the link but it is going to be a few thousand base with about 100 inserts and some auto's and gu's. Nothing really special.
Well done, mate. Think you need to sit down with your wife and explain that the cards are an investment for the new baby's university education ;) It's a family decision! :p
thx whereiswally78
i tried the investment angle :lol: and lost on the fact that the mortgage is about 7.3% and if the cards dont yield more (which are at a loss)
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