Something of interest...


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I've been meaning to find the right time to ask this as of late as it has been playing on my mind for ages now.

I've noticed on the forum that when you post up a box break or something of that nature, I find that automatically you get sent PM's about the cards you pulled. That's good and all, but what I've noticed is that when I've written clearly "Not Up For Trade/Sale", someone still asks about the cards reguardless and sometimes even comes across as hassling (I won't even be putting names up as these people should know who they are and I don't want to embarrass anyone at all). They might not see themselves as hassling but sometimes it's the case.

I'm just curious to know if anyone else has had this happen to them before or is it just me it's happening to?

Any feedback would be great on this :)
Well yes, it has happened to me before, especially in regards to that CP3 card.

However, you got to see it from their mind though. It never hurt to ask someone for something. If someone had offered you 10K for the card that you pulled and you clearly stated that this card isn't for sale or trade, would you still wouldn't budge?

There are collectors over here who collects specific things. If they see one of their wanted card or cards gets pulled by another member, again, it doesn't hurt to ask and sometimes, it pays off.

I can see that point of view. But I wouldn't ask someone about a card they had unless they said it was up for trade/sale. It's kinda like, walking up to someone and askin for 40 cents for a phone call. You don't know the person and yet you still ask. Kinda makes the other person feel a bit... out of place in a way. If I pulled something I knew I didn't want at all what so ever and I knew someone who'd want it for their collection, I'd PM them and let them know they'd have first dibs at it if they wanted it. I guess it depends on the person. Because I rarely ever buy boxes or packs of cards, I feel a bit overwhelmed when people PM me about a card. But one thing is for certain... If I ever pull a Kobe Bryant card of any kind chances are I'll get rid of it lol!
oh no harm done in asking once.. It has never happened to me and i haven't asked yet ;) Asking someone if they want to sell a card is not like walking up and asking for a ciggie or 40c! A better example would be to ask that person to give you the card for free lol I guess we all are pretty matey here so once is good enough IMO.. asking twice is crossing the line though.. :)
I know what you mean...Several times i have done box breaks on here and then posted pics in the mailday bit and said all for trade/sale except these 2 or 3, but nearly everytime i've had someone PM me about one of them..not realy an issue if they do it once, if they get persistant then it becomes annoying
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