Something fishy??? After some help, ebay auction finishes in 2.5 days


Joe Harris Super Collector
Feedback - 100%
225   0   0
Hi All,

After some opinions/guidance with this card which I am worried there is something not right with the listing. I have faith in the seller K2Sportscards and have done a break or two with him.

He has told me and youtube shows this card came from a Preferred random break a few days ago and the winner has consigned K2 to sell the card. He also revealed the Cavs team breaker is from Australia.

The break list shows his name as krisraps hegzingis or just hegzingis in one other break, cant find a user name on any site or forum. Not so worried about that fact, but I have read a lot about consignees bidding up their own items and consignors not doing anything about it.

The current leading bidder is my concern, and I could be worried over nothing, thinking this card is already well over what I would expect it to for (could be corrected, Birdman from last years went for $1600US at auction - but I know he had a HUGE following), so I'm not sure, I really need the card, I have 20 Joe Harris actual 1/1's (not plates) but yeah its getting to the point where I'm worried I'm gonna over pay and get seriously ripped if I actually tried to win.

Further to the price, the leading bidder
Member Id: w***w
( 98
) shows:
Bid retractions:4
Bid retractions (6 months):

Is the first 4 on this item? And 16 total (all items/sellers) in 6 months?

Any thoughts, advice or knowledge of perhaps the seller or krisraps hegzingis on this, I would be so appreciative, I dont think I have ever refreshed or invested as much time looking at a ebay listing as I have the last 2 days, collecting anxiety : )

Cheers all
that smells more than fishy mate... i've done a fair few auctions over the years and can only think of 1 or 2... he can't be that stupid if he's had to retract 16 bids in 6 months... you learn pretty fast after the first one, cos the panic makes you remember it for next time... I don't if the other boys would agree with me on this, but if you really need the card then contact the buyer and tell him how uncomfortable you are about it, how the price is already way to high and how ironic that on a big ticket item, that the leading bidder is a retard who has somehow hit the buy button too many times and how you've heard of people having 2 accounts to bid their stuff up to what they want... If he lies to you and says he knows nothing about it, tell them that the person you heard it from works at ebay... Dodgy f'ers like that deserve to let people hava quick roshambo at them (ref. south park) haha
Hi phill

Ken from k2 is 100% legit, I've been in his breaks for years now and he sells stuff for me as well without any trouble.

Slimzy69 :)
Thanks Matt

slimzy thanks mate, I have no doubt Ken is legit, I did message him last night, corrected himself saying the owner of the card is in NZ and said the bidder is in US (or their primary addy is) and that bidder did message him to try and do BIN but the owner said no wants the auction to run its course which does give me some comfort, but yeah the bid retractions are still a concern.
Thanks Matt

slimzy thanks mate, I have no doubt Ken is legit, I did message him last night, corrected himself saying the owner of the card is in NZ and said the bidder is in US (or their primary addy is) and that bidder did message him to try and do BIN but the owner said no wants the auction to run its course which does give me some comfort, but yeah the bid retractions are still a concern.

Yep, just spoke to him then :)

Bid retractions, shilling etc... Is a huge problem with eBay and they continue to stuff all about it because it cuts into there profits!!! I could rant about this for days haha!!! It's worse when a PC Card comes up and it happens...
it is, but i honestly have only ever had it happen once or twice over a few years where someone has retracted a bid or purchase... and that bloke has quite a lot in such a short period... Step carefully mate, as though most people seem decent, when money is involved it creates a whole nother side to people... And what you have described is common with people who know someone is well keen on an item, so they use their other identity to max them out, and then retract when they realise they have pushed too far... Its a pity you can't look thru the bid history of his items over the last few months... That wouldn't lie... Fingers crossed for you mate...
PS i have seen heaps of csi, so if we need to take this further, i know that we need a computer nerd, a Mr T, and someone like matlock... haha
I think the guy with 47 feedback bidding on 64% of seller's auctions tells you all you need to know I'm afraid.
Yeah not sure about that one, he seems have done the bids in quick succession, so possibly just clicking the selected next price rather than typing his own figure.

This is crazy now $800, was worried at $490. What's kinda funny, I actually bought his game worn jersey, the entire jersey from MeiGray he wore in game 3 for much less than this!!
Hey Phil saw that you won the card you were after! Congrats! I was actually after the Birdman Finals patch, as badly as I wanted it I just didn't justify the final bid that won it, I went way past what I was comfortable paying but someone obviously wanted it more with deeper pockets haha
Yeah stoked I got, but yeah paid through the nose. Managed to do a bit more research on the guy that retracted an $1100 than rebid a day later at just over the price at the time and yeah he was legit. There was also a bid with 2 seconds left, although low feedback/new, wouldn't have thought shillers would bid in the closing seconds, so I think the final price was going to be what it was. But yeah definitely some sus activity, hard to say whether I actually got ripped or not. Thanks to all for your contributions to the thread, that's my 21st true 1/1 will have to get some pics up soon : )
That whole auction above 485 is kinda gross, but even then up at 821 it could be ok - you can only do what you can do though in terms of research and then pay what you want so you seem to have done your due diligence, congrats on the addition!
95% of sellers bid on their own items with a diff. Account/s make no mistake bout that.

It is what it is.

I bid on items to what i think the card is worth to me.

I dont trust auctions at all.
Sorry bud but thats low... its not like you can rock up to a live auction in disguise to jack your price up... the real reason people do it is when they know someone wants something bad, they try and push them as far as they can, making the real bidder spend heaps more than they should... and you cant tell me you havent picked up bargains in the auction either... sound like your more than happy to rip people off both ways with no risk... classy...
95% of sellers bid on their own items with a diff. Account/s make no mistake bout that.

It is what it is.

I bid on items to what i think the card is worth to me.

I dont trust auctions at all.

Yeah it seems that way with Auction's it is really dirty ATM.

Consignors are a real problem , most of their auctions are riddled with shillers.

But most will say the love consignors when it comes to selling , i wonder why:whistle:

I have never bid on my own Auctions ever what it sells for is it's market worth, but their are a lot of desperados in this hobby though.

Also i have had 2 bid retractions in 9 years , some of the excuses from the 15+ retractors in 6mths is total BS just money hungry flogs.
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Sorry bud but thats low... its not like you can rock up to a live auction in disguise to jack your price up... the real reason people do it is when they know someone wants something bad, they try and push them as far as they can, making the real bidder spend heaps more than they should... and you cant tell me you havent picked up bargains in the auction either... sound like your more than happy to rip people off both ways with no risk... classy...
Im not saying i do it.

Im saying when there is a card i want i bid what i think the card is worth to me, if i get outbid by the seller chilling the auction then whatever.

I wont get caught up in their bidding game.
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