Some new Augustin for the PC *23/3/09* pg1, 2 & 3


No Glove, No love.
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Here's a couple of my latest pick ups.

Triple jersey:

Press Pass Jersey:

SPx Dual Scripts #/50:

Co-signers Gold parallel Auto #/25:

Rookie Threads Auto 3clr patch #/9:

Premier Stitchings Auto #/5:

Treasury Magics all-rookie team dual Auto #/5:

Thanks for looking and all previous pick ups can be viewed here: Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket :v:
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Wow, some sweet as cards there! That triple jersey card almost looks like it should have sigs on it aswell
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Thanks lads, yeah the one with Magic is sick. I've got my eye on the one with Bird too :)

vivo87: I think there is a low numbered version of it that has the auto's on it but i've yet to come across it.
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Awesome pickups mate!! I'm finding out hard it is to pick up the really nice cards of this years rooks. Youre doing very well bud!

Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Awesome pickups mate!! I'm finding out hard it is to pick up the really nice cards of this years rooks. Youre doing very well bud!


Thanks man:v:
Its really flogging my bank account though, i swear there's 1 guy who keeps trying to out bid me on everything and he's killing me. I still have the cards though:D
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

You are on fire with your DJ's!!! So many nice cards in your Bucket!!!
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Whaou !!! :woot:
Very nice cards for your PC.
I love the Rookie Threads Auto 3clr patch #/9. :worthy:

STAT :thumbsup:
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

Thanks guys :thumbsup:

Just noticed on the Beckett website his card count has gone up to 368 total cards!!!:mad:
I had just hit 20% of his collection today too lol. Oh well i'll just have to have a bigger crack at it :D
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

nice rrokie threads and dual and premier and cosigners and dual auto and....the list goes on wat a nice collection %20 swee you should try for 75% in the next couple of year though must be extremely expensive to collect like this
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

nice rrokie threads and dual and premier and cosigners and dual auto and....the list goes on wat a nice collection %20 swee you should try for 75% in the next couple of year though must be extremely expensive to collect like this

Thanks mate, im hoping i can find that by the end of the season :lol:
If i can get 75% of his first year cards by the time Pannini comes out i'll be stoked :D
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *22/3/09*


Another DJ 1/1 for the collection!!!! :woot:

I don't have a pic yet but its a Varsity Letter City Name "S".

I also have another 3 DJ's on the way, 2 Press Pass Auto's 1 #'d/75 and 1 #'d/105 along with the Magenta Co-signers printing plate auto which make's 2 of the 4 for that set that i now have just Yellow and Cyan to find :worthy:
Re: Some new Augustin for the PC *21/3/09*

*UPDATE* 23/3/09

Some weekend Augustin :thumbsup:

Skybox Ruby parallel:

Co-signers Xfractor #/25:

Bowman Draft day:


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