jimboiitmac - Thanks bud, sadly, it's nothing like the one I lost :-(
westriot - Don't know there to be hones. I mean, some people will always value a set/card more than another. In the end it's a personal prefernce thing.
For me, I chase what looks good, regardless of price. Because in the end, down the track, I will never remember what each and ever card cost me. Only the huge pick up's or the ones that have stories behind them.
And I had had one of Shaq's for years, and it never dawned on me that these actually looked half decent as a set.
tony - Thanks man Yeah, a few people have said that to me about the cards. 2 have even started collecting the auto set now :-D Ha ha ha ha
I even joked that I should tone down my scanner, to stop the price of these things going up! :-D Ha ha ha ha