Amazing auto and the patches are all sick, even if just a tad on the smallish side. its probably an all star patch, but the nash one looks like a pistons patch.
Thanks to everyone for your replies... much appreciated!
scottsophie: yeah the prosigs looks great in hand although they don't scan up that well.
bargey: when I saw the dwade auto, I knew I had to have it for my pc... but the thing was I hadn't really noticed that it was 1/3, I would have been just happy to pick up the normal print run version!
JZA: agreed with the comment of the patches being a little small, but they look really good in hand though! The Nash patch is an All-Star one I believe.
buyingstuffformikelee: hey Mike, it started with me picking up the spgu Shaq patch and then I saw a few others and slowly pickup up a few more... Then it turned into a set chase which i had no intention of doing... BUT I hadn't realise that there was 100 of these #/25 cards to get which is too many. I have decided not to complete this set for now as there are a few wades I want to get!
Again, thanks for everyone for viewing and comments