And another Mailday to bring to this fine forum This mail was from Friday and Yesterday and go some great stuff in! More to come, but this is the start of a big couple of weeks so stay tuned!
I'll start with a recent limited collection, Ronnie Brewer. I found myself not enjoying my Brewer collection as much as I used to so have limited it now to High end stuff. Will be moving alot of the lower stuff to Dep on HK whom is a HUGE Brewer collector. Will keep all the little gifts people have given me though as these hold a greater value than a price tag, even if they're a common rookie
But here's another to add to the Brewers, my 4th Exquisite Triple Patch #3/10 (Goes well with the 4/, 5/ and 10/10):
Now on to a bunch of Jason Smith. Some sweet patches, some sweet numbering and some sweet 1/1 action!
Fleer RC Jersey:
SPA Rookie Auto Patch #/599 (SICK Patch):
SPx Freshman Tandems with Thad Young, Dual Patch Jersey #d, #14/15 (Little blurry cause I couldn't be bothered finding a screw driver to take it out of it's hard case for scanning...It's too Damn Hot!):
Triple Threads Triple Patch #/50:
Triple Threads Triple Patch #1/23:
And a Plate used to make the 2 above!
Triple Threads 1/1 Print Plate Auto!
Now to a few more Herbert Hill PC cards
SPA Rookie Authentics (Love this design!):
Fleer Hot Prospects Red Autographics, goes well with the Black and Blue
And my 3rd /10 SPx Rookie Spectrum Triple Patch Autos, #4/10 (My best patches yet with a 5!!!! Colour on the left, a 3 colour logo in the middle and 3 colour logo on the right!!):
Go on, Click the Bar to make it bigger, you know you want to
And I'll finish with Kyle Korver with exactly what the Thread Title suggests
Was astounded that this appeared first of all, and then to win it for what I consider a MAJOR bargin (his Superfractors have been won by me for more), at $75 was icing on the cake!
03/04 Topps Finest Rookie Auto Print Plate 1/1:
Thanks all for looking and the great comments I always get. I really appreciate it
Good question! To be honest, when I was looking at it yesterday (I'm at work now, can't give you a definitive answer til this evening) I didn't notice any chipping so I'd say not bad, but on the scan, just below the auto there looks like something shocking ey! So I'm going to double check when I get home and get back to you properly. But I would have thought I'd have noticed it already otherwise, so am thinking some sort of trick with the light since it's so shiny and was in the penny sleave.
Good question! To be honest, when I was looking at it yesterday (I'm at work now, can't give you a definitive answer til this evening) I didn't notice any chipping so I'd say not bad, but on the scan, just below the auto there looks like something shocking ey! So I'm going to double check when I get home and get back to you properly. But I would have thought I'd have noticed it already otherwise, so am thinking some sort of trick with the light since it's so shiny and was in the penny sleave.
Mate, that's a huge mailday, one of the better i have seen. The patch on the Smith SPA rc is awesome. There such nice looking cards with the auto not being on a sticker.
Mate, that's a huge mailday, one of the better i have seen. The patch on the Smith SPA rc is awesome. There such nice looking cards with the auto not being on a sticker.