Yoshi OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 76 0 0 Jun 17, 2015 #1 Only a few of late. Took a while to get the Flawless here from a international trade but glad to finally get it. [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/EXQUISITE%20COLLECTION/IMG_20150617_0003.jpg.html] [/URL] [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/NATIONAL%20TREASURES/IMG_20150617_0002.jpg.html] [/URL] [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/FLAWLESS%20COLLECTION/IMG_20150617_0005.jpg.html] [/URL]
Only a few of late. Took a while to get the Flawless here from a international trade but glad to finally get it. [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/EXQUISITE%20COLLECTION/IMG_20150617_0003.jpg.html] [/URL] [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/NATIONAL%20TREASURES/IMG_20150617_0002.jpg.html] [/URL] [URL=http://s104.photobucket.com/user/bibinclovesfinestbasketball/media/PC%20NOT%20AVAILABLE/FLAWLESS%20COLLECTION/IMG_20150617_0005.jpg.html] [/URL]
SharpysSports OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 118 0 0 Jun 17, 2015 #2 That Flawless is really nice! I'm still yet to pick one up for myself...
KB. Al-farouq Aminu Supercollector Feedback - 100% 182 0 0 Jun 17, 2015 #4 That Jabbar is awesome. Nice stuff.
OutlawNinja Dom Wilkins Collector Feedback - 100% 52 0 0 Jun 17, 2015 #6 Kareem Flawless is a beauty, they look so clean and crisp in hand.
skip20 The (un)official PC Showdown Special Comments Guy Feedback - 100% 463 0 0 Jun 17, 2015 #7 Blingy Kab Jab dominates this mailday
Aronzo33 Miami Heat Fan. Zo and Birdman Feedback - 100% 35 0 0 Jun 18, 2015 #8 I've noticed more people adding those Flawless cards with the glittery bit on it haha I'd jump on the bandwagon if there was a Birdman one
I've noticed more people adding those Flawless cards with the glittery bit on it haha I'd jump on the bandwagon if there was a Birdman one
jkidd05 OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 1009 0 0 Jun 18, 2015 #9 Cool Flawless base, I have one of Kidd. They look great in hand!