Small but sweet PC Mailday! - SCANS ADDED


#1 J.R. Smith Collector
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Okay, started off with a small inclusion for a small Rose side pc, this came in a while ago, forgot to scan!


goes with these (the rest of my mini rose pc!)






and now to the rest

a iggy 3 colour patch /25 (small silver at the bottom)


2 PMG's



a sweet blake rc auto


and last but not least, i had to get a zo auto in a hornets uni!


thanks for looking! :)

oh and another inclusion - Brand new 2010 BMW 320i sedan :) (as requested by nick)



Re: Small but sweet PC Mailday!

Nice Rose pick ups Norm, i think you forgot one significant mailday addition though even if it isn't bball related ;)
Ooooh so sexy =D>

Got any interior pics of it? Love my leather, my cars the rattiest looking thing out side havn't washed it in months but the leather interior is porno :lol:

Should post the car in the thankyou sticky :D
Sweet Rose patches there Norm and nice Iggy card! But two sweet auto's there in Griffin and Zo, also very sweet car mate saw that pop up on Facebook...very nice indeed! :v:
haha they owed you a Beemer, awesome. :D

The leather looks cream? Classy stuff, bet the missus loves it.
Re: Small but sweet PC Mailday!

Was going to say the exact same thing...

---------- Post added 07-09-2010 at 09:46 AM ----------

Also don't know if you can call that a sedan... it's almost like a hatchback...

The angel of the pic makes it look that way.

The zo auto is something I craved after seeing it in esko's mailday. Glad it's limited to 99 also.
Re: Small but sweet PC Mailday!

The zo auto is something I craved after seeing it in esko's mailday. Glad it's limited to 99 also.

I love the fact that it is in his original Hornets uni, plus he has a gorgeous signature anyway. To me it's the best low-mid-end card out there at the moment!
Re: Small but sweet PC Mailday!

I love the fact that it is in his original Hornets uni, plus he has a gorgeous signature anyway. To me it's the best low-mid-end card out there at the moment!

Couldn't have said it any better! And the fact that's it's limited makes it even more desirable!
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