You've managed to resize only the one pic on the other thread and none on this thread at all. They simply are too big and don't fit on most screens and if everyone else can go to the effort of posting maildays correctly then why can't you. You know how to do it now so please make the effort in the future.
Right, time to wade in on this size debate.

I think it's nice to have a decent sized pic. If possible the poster should attempt to make them low quality jpegs to reduce the file size (which is more the issue than the actual dimensions of the pic). Easy to do this my opening the scanned image and saving as a jpeg in 'paint', low quality and also easy to make it the size you want.
* deleted - point made *
Another thing, if you have a crappy connection then just be patient. If someone has a 14" screen and dial up then they'll have to be patient, if they've spent $ and got a good system etc good luck to them, they get it quicker.

I agree that a card should not be pictured as bigger than a normal screen size, and everyone should eventually get this right.
I'm not meaning to have a go, but let's keep it friendly ok? It's hardly a big deal.

...end rant