Slam magazine


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heys guys, wanna know if anyone reads this great basketball mag. if so let me know what ya think. is it the best ball mag out there or what?
also im really after the #96 issue with Telfair on it, anyone who has a copy that they dont want? if so pm me and we can work something out. cheers.
i wish i have the issue of Handle Mag of Lauren Jackson on cover.

sorry mate. i dont have the issue of telfair's on cover.
yeah i read it although its been a while since ive bought a copy, it tends to get a bit expensive, i used to like one on one, now that was a good mag....... :)
Yeah Bought the first ever issue and was hooked... My room is surronded by SLAM Posters...! :) The magazine is on point! From picking out high school players to great write ups and interviews...! Ive got the Telfair mate but its in the collection sorry buddy! Ill keep an eye out for another :)
Great Mag... Did everyone get the 100th issue! Thought they did a real good job with it!
It's a great read every now and then but I find it's loaded with way too many advertisments.
I liked One on One as well Cath, it had all your NBA and NBL needs, and cool posters every month as well.
i have probally around 10 lol, not many but yeh one i got has a big Ricky Davis article but it was when he was playing for cleveland.
Does anyone know if he has any articles/interviews in more recent Slam Mags?
yeah it is a sweet magazine i only have 20 or so issues but get it every month now. i also happen to have 2 copies of the telfair issue ( i bought it and my dad bought it for me on the same day).
cath15 said:
yeah i read it although its been a while since ive bought a copy, it tends to get a bit expensive, i used to like one on one, now that was a good mag....... :)

ive got like 2 copies of slam...its a good read....haha i used to get every month of one on one ......i miss that mag......
thing is i kinda stopped buying mags cause i tend to get the same information from the net anyway....but i like the pics that slam has in it and stuff
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