Sir don bradman


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My teenage son pointed this out to me there is a new ps3 game coming out called don bradman 14 and if you preorder though eb games there is a limited edition don bradman 14 steel book,just thought I would let every one know ,the steel book is only available though eb games on pre order.i have pre ordered mine for the steel book
Cheers Craig
I downloaded the beta version which features a practice net and bowling machine. Whilst the look is very polished, I couldn't get any enjoyment out of the game as my controller is older than Moses and doesn't seem to have the configuration necessary to play this game. Instead of pressing the trigger buttons as indicated in the game controller help screen, I had to use the directional joysticks to play shots and couldn't get the timing right. Might give it another go later on but will be interested to hear some reviews from people who do end up buying the game before I shell out any of my money on it.
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