Here are a couple of signed insert sets, still need a couple to finish off a few sets! If u got any I need please let me no? Got heaps to trade hope u enjoy Only need Nathan Gardner Need Alex Glenn and Nathan Gardner Need David shillington and ? Need hilder , kimmorly and Ellis
It is a hell of an effort to complete full signed master sets. People do not understand the time and effort put into them. Big bucks for them when they are complete which no one understands . Well done mate fantastic effort so far and good luck with the rest.
I agree. I actually prefer IP sets to inserts. Insert sets signed are awesome. I don't make enough games to put a solid effort into completing a set signed.. Find it hard enough doing just the cowboys with an increase of cards available... (The second parallel set don't help!).
I have a complete 2005 tradition base set signed.... And it's without a doubt, a favourite for me! I wish I had completed the classic set.... It was my favourite set! Even more than my near complete centenary set (thanks to girds!)
It is a hell of an effort to complete full signed master sets. People do not understand the time and effort put into them. Big bucks for them when they are complete which no one understands . Well done mate fantastic effort so far and good luck with the rest.
Cheers mate, and yes it takes a very long time with some of the bigger subsets! Especially with all the player movement every year? It's hard enough to get full common team sets let alone the inserts sets? I will be putting more up when I get abit more time
I agree. I actually prefer IP sets to inserts. Insert sets signed are awesome. I don't make enough games to put a solid effort into completing a set signed.. Find it hard enough doing just the cowboys with an increase of cards available... (The second parallel set don't help!).
I have a complete 2005 tradition base set signed.... And it's without a doubt, a favourite for me! I wish I had completed the classic set.... It was my favourite set! Even more than my near complete centenary set (thanks to girds!)
Yeah mate there nice sets! I really liked the strike set I don't have many to get for that but as we all no to keep them scratch free is very hard! And also finding the ones I need scratch free is even harder? I'm the same trying to find time to keep up with all the teams that come hear I miss out on a lot due to my high involvement in cricket and all the trainings I have ect