I've had a bunch of Kemps come in recently but I must have sorted them away and for the life of my can't remember which ones I've shown or not so thought I'd just start with the latest batch.
UD retro /250 - nice parallel and was lucky the seller through in the base version which I also didn't have!
UD Ultimate Victory /100 - wanted this card for AGES. It looks amazing in hand and the photo is pretty nice too
UD SPX buyback auto /250 - another card I've wanted forever as I love the base card, plus a sweet numbered Kemp auto makes it a must have. Sooooo stoked to finally have one.
That's it for now guys, told you it was short. Stay tuned for more awesomeness
In the last 6months it has definitely turned from an average PC into a pretty awesome one I must say. Been collecting kemp since I was 10 and have made the biggest additions recently