This doctor tends to get a bit queazy at sea, so I have requested for this trade to take place at dry-dock. The Admiral shall take the following with him on his next voyage:
DRob jersey unripped, #ed 49 of 50
0506 Tony Parker Exquisite base, #ed to 225
Ginobili 0506 first row #ed to 325
Ginobili 0506 Trilogy base
Ginobili 0405 Ultra Gold Medallion
Ginobili 0607 UD Flight Team
In return, the admiral shall allow his crewmate Tim Duncan to return to port:
97 collectors edge impulse die-cut
97 press pass netburners #36
97 press pass retroactive
98-99 thunder lift off
98-99 topps gold label(insert)
98-99 topps gold label(insert) black
99-00 holografx holofame gold
99-00 sp authentic maximum force
99-00 topps gallery heritage
00-01 encore powerful stuff
00-01 focus arena vision
00-01 sp authentic spectacular
00-01 u/deck graphic jam
01-02 s/club dunkus colossus