Shane Watson Elite Sig or Redemption

Re: Elite Sig Redemptions

Like the look of these cards and may be after a few.

Pm me if you have a johnson, watson or hilfenhaus for sale

Mitch Johnson didn't have one in this series dude.....his auto was in the 2007/08 Series :)
Re: Elite Sig Redemptions

Girds your right on "good looking". pick up a check list. for your info. elite redemptions are
ESR1(in order) Brad Haddin,nathan hauritz, hilfehaus,hughes, mcdonald, north, siddle, watson. Eight in total. Mitch got me on this. Havent pulled a biggee yet but hope with every pack!!! got at least 3 base and two jc sets but still hoping:razz:
Re: Elite Sig Redemptions

ok i just saw a very very similar johnson one thats why. anyway im still after the watson
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