Ultimate TC OzCardTrader Feedback - 98% 100 2 0 Oct 6, 2012 #1 Just a heads up on this I know they always keep number 1 to make money for themselves but they've also kept his Guernsey numbered 6 and 76 so no chance of pulling a good one guys http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1-Darren...alia-/140860310256?roken=xcVgK6#ht_982wt_1271
Just a heads up on this I know they always keep number 1 to make money for themselves but they've also kept his Guernsey numbered 6 and 76 so no chance of pulling a good one guys http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1-Darren...alia-/140860310256?roken=xcVgK6#ht_982wt_1271
tak35bne OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 565 0 0 Oct 6, 2012 #2 John, there has been a thread up on this topic for a while.
Matt26 OZCT Supporter Feedback - 100% 101 0 0 Oct 6, 2012 #3 http://www.ozcardtrader.com.au/comm...darren-lockyer-signature-series.130500/unread