For Sale Select 2015 john worsfold medal card Eric Mackenzie


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Being a newish member probably ready the rules mate. You should be putting all these for sale cards in the one post, not all in different posts.
Yeah right makes sense hey I'm all new the this got some handy cards but no idea how to sell and I'm sick of getting robbed by the card stores jasjas in Bacchus Marsh gave me $50 for a Michael Morgan srs signed card then sold it for $300 the day
Yeah right makes sense hey I'm all new the this got some handy cards but no idea how to sell and I'm sick of getting robbed by the card stores jasjas in Bacchus Marsh gave me $50 for a Michael Morgan srs signed card then sold it for $300 the day
Yeah right makes sense hey I'm all new the this got some handy cards but no idea how to sell and I'm sick of getting robbed by the card stores jasjas in Bacchus Marsh gave me $50 for a Michael Morgan srs signed card then sold it for $300 the day

Best thing to do mate is get all your cards that you want to sell together, take a picture and advertise all in the one post. But read up on the rules as being a new member you might not know whats expected.
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