UD Black is a high end product at $40 a card. When you buy it, you expect something big (I know I was fearing a dual or quad jersey /99 when I busted mine). Take those two Lebrons out and it's a pretty crappy break, it's not the sort of product you bust hoping to get mid-range cards, you want something high end.
And I still think it's crap that there were 3 dupes in 24 packs, that's my opinion and I'll stand by it.
At $100 per card exquisite can be a crappy break as well.
I had nothing to fear about with what I got as I purchased these for the thrill of collecting and to see if I could pull something for my PC
And as for the dupes, all I have to say is out of my last 11 packs bring on the Jordan auto dupes
It's getting more obvious everyday that some people are loosing what the feeling of what it means to collect cards. If you expect to be rewarded just because you pay a more for your packs than others you are living in a dream land as there is not a product out yet that guarantees you that MJ auto in every pack (every product even exquisite has low and mid range). And IMO if you expect a hit everytime you open something maybe it's time to get out of the HOBBY and take up knitting.
I think Bargey was just stating a fact.. if you sold everything you won't get your money back. But so what... the fun was there and the 2 LeBron's made it funner.
UD Black is a high end product at $40 a card. When you buy it, you expect something big (I know I was fearing a dual or quad jersey /99 when I busted mine). Take those two Lebrons out and it's a pretty crappy break, it's not the sort of product you bust hoping to get mid-range cards, you want something high end. As it turns out there are two LeBron Autos, a great Kobe and a nice Jordan which make the break. And that UDA thing could be anything, hopefully something nice.
People have got to remember that UD Black is a BONUS/Loyalty product....UD didn't set the price for it the public did. The intention of the product is to reward the purchaser of certain UD products (or to entice people to buy certain UD products) with a quality short printed item. Price and value of the product is almost irrelevant.
well, redemption of 35 packs is very big chance of getting big cards.. i was saying since december to AJ... that time, i remember AJ have over 20+ UD Blacks, if i am not mistaken... coz he's in this for hobby, i think even things doesn't come back like he invested, i don't think that will matter, coz AJ wants to collect sets like he always does...
this is very fun break, with 2 brons, 1 mj quad and kobe, melo, amare, it's like fully nike team break for me...
i mean, he won't get this much back if he breaks exquisite box for US2 grand... i am pretty sure..
like, i break some boxes, nothing's returned at all, if we think about return first, IMHO, it will never be fun.. like i broke 2 hardcourt 0506, got kyle korver and luther head autos, desmon mason and derek fisher GU.. but i still had fun breaking the boxes.. moneywise, i got 0$ back since i can't even trade them LOL