After a suggestion from a fellow Ozcardian to email beckett about my Rose Exquisite Rc pull from my Exquisite bust, I did just that, and with a few replies from various departments i was starting to think it was going nowhere fast! But i got an email this morning from a Keith Hower from Beckett saying.. "Great pull, we will feature this in issue 224"!!
How good!! No i just have to ask my local newsagent if they can order in the mag this month especially for me??
Does anyone know what number the mag is up to now? Like is the latest one 223? or 222?
Would love to hear from someone about this
Thanks Guys
Picture added!!
me in all my glory
thats right!!! a whole page!! i was expecting like maybe a quarter page at best, so i'll take it
yeh nick i reckon u are a serious contendor to get ur augustin pc published in beckett.
i wish i knew what issue number we're upto now too, sorry bud. but man that Rose RC u pulled is gonna look killer!! all the best gettin a copy, it should be pretty easy.
ps. with your card, how are they gonna get a pic on it? do u just scan a high res pic and send it to em? Or do they want u to send them the card for them to scan?? if they need a high res and nice quality pic, let me know i should be able to help ya out. cheers
yeah, i just sent him a scan just like the one i posted on here!! and just a photo of me holding it as well! No way in hell i am sending them the card just for them to scan
I've already got my local newsagent getting me a couple of copies
even thought it might be closer to April before i get it lol