Just found this on A1CardsandGamings Facebook page.
Glad to hear that you weren't really hurt too bad. Hope you make a quick recovery Tez!
Due to an incident last night where I was jumped by 3 guys while securing the back gate to the shop late last so while I rest up, A1 Cards and Gaming will not be open today.
On a positive note, I was lucky enough to force them outside the gate for long enough to secure the gate and call the police !
simply it was unnecessary comment, there was no relation to refugees in anything that has been said for all we know it may have been someone who is 50th generation Australian. I'm deleting all the off topic posts and anything posted after mine will receive a holiday. The topic has been covered and dealt with.
Obviously the Moderator has deleted a few posts along the way, hope you weren't too banged up but seriously how can a potential thief expect to get too many $$$ from a card trader, electronic banking means that there's not that much cash etc plus the fact that that sellers like this are in in for the hobby rather than the profit, very very dumb hopefully unsucessfull crimminals.