Sad news for me..


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Just thought I would share this article. I found out I had a great uncle in the USA which I never really knew I had one! Anyways, my great uncle (Ron) had his step son (Anthony) and grandson (Joshua) moving the fence between them and the next door neighbours (they live on a ranch) and Ron's grandson's best friend was helping and Ron's daughter in law as well. The neighbour came out and killed the 3 men and then himself. Luckily Anthony's wife ran and zig zagged and the gunman missed her. Unfortunately my great uncle saw the whole thing but I spoke to him yesterday and he seems to be going well and hopefully I may be able to secure some employment over there and go over to Oklahoma for a while.
Sorry for the long read, just thought I would share this!
Oh man, that is sad. Dispite hardly knowing them at all, it's still sad when you hear of a relative passing.

Sorry to hear mate.
Yeah I didn't really even know he existed but he now has no family there except for his daughter in law, so I really want to get to know that side of the family. My grandpa never spoke of Ron which he moved to the usa when he was young as he was a bullrider (won the australian title once!)
Sorry to hear that news. Hopefully something good can come out of it for you guys. Must have been some previous exchanges by the sounds of the article, but that's what can happen, especially in the US where everyone thinks they have a right to shoot if they feel threatened.
Good luck if you get over there, I'd love to head to the US to work one day.
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