saweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet mailday ryhs-star . always a pleasure helpin out fellow OCT members. it was the least i could do mate. thnx for the shout-out too, sweet . keep up the great work aswell mate, good stuff to see the newbies come in from oct members who are ALWAYS here to help out. . cheers. STEVE
ps. the packaging and my "open here" note on the toploader . at the sstart some people wouldnt notice the small flap i leave so u can easily peel it open. and they were cuttin in to the tape and stuff etc etc to open. so a small "open here" msg hopfully hass fixed up that issue . one thing i also relly hate with packging is when the tape used on the toploader sticks like crazy, then a small mission to "clean" it up (residue).
Awsome job passing the 150 mate!!! Glad to see you got the one I sent you, I hadnt heard back from you seeing you've been bis-ay! Keep going strong Rhys :v:
Great stuff man, what a way to crack 150!!! wowza!
See any of the FIBA World Champs? He had a couple of average games but bounced right back, there was a game there where he KILLED IT, dominating, played well above his size. Good to see mate!
saweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet mailday ryhs-star . always a pleasure helpin out fellow OCT members. it was the least i could do mate. thnx for the shout-out too, sweet . keep up the great work aswell mate, good stuff to see the newbies come in from oct members who are ALWAYS here to help out. . cheers. STEVE
ps. the packaging and my "open here" note on the toploader . at the sstart some people wouldnt notice the small flap i leave so u can easily peel it open. and they were cuttin in to the tape and stuff etc etc to open. so a small "open here" msg hopfully hass fixed up that issue . one thing i also relly hate with packging is when the tape used on the toploader sticks like crazy, then a small mission to "clean" it up (residue).
hey bro!!! out of the 154, I'd have about 10 #4/??? and the rest #9/??? haha! but I only get 4's if its the number in the jersey on the card!! so mainly his RC's!!!
lol i wasn't being a smart ass when i said 'amazing, how they are all numbered as 9', i just noticed that one of them had a 4 on it ahah, still know the story, well done again