Retro @ DACardworld


Echelon base set Hunter
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They are back in stock. Obviously at a higher price. I've sent an email to my Premier buyer to ask if they always had them in stock or if this is batch 2. Kudos to them if they had the foresight to burn through their pre-sell and keep the extra for when the price went through the roof.

Why does it seem its only NBA cards that this happens with? Do we have too much money?
Honestly, yes we do have too much money to burnt. spoke to some stores in the states, overseas in particular Australia and Japan are the biggest culprits for the spike in the retro prices. We are our own worst enemy. Unfortunate but true.
I was telling my mate about this product last Monday as i liked the look of it and i collected NBA in the 90's when these inserts were first available. I was going to get a few boxes and then the next day i saw the prices had skyrocketed. I could not believe how much they had risen within a day. I know PMG'S are the holy grail of collecting and pc's but these are not the PMG's of the 90's. All in all they are easier to get per box and case and there are less of them overall making it easier to get a Jordan or Lebron. So what i struggle to understand is how come people are paying astronomical prices for them as if they were printed in the 90's?

I would much prefer a Jordan on card auto with a patch numbered to 25 than a pmg in a college uniform. Hell i could probably afford 2 of them compared to one of these pmg's for the price they are going for.

I expect upperdeck to make another Fleer retro set next year, they would be crazy not to with how the hobby has responded. Soon everyone will be able to own a pmg.

I see in the picture above Verse's Payton green & red pmg's winking at me, to me they are real pmg. Not these reprints.

I know i am being slightly negative and i do love this product but it's hard to justify buying them at the prices they are asking now when i compare them to what else my coin could buy.

If someone with more knowledge of the NBA market could explain to me what the hell is going on with this product i would greatly appreciate it.

It's the high probability of getting a PMG that makes it hot. Originally they were so SP due to the overproduction of cards in the 90s, now you are guaranteed 1 per box. I love all the die-cuts and inserts available as well, but when you watch the vids and see the PMGs come out they look amazing compared to all other cards in this set (And being frank, pretty much anything Panini is putting out).

Time will tell how these college attired PMGs go. Personally, I think they will stay high, but will drop quite a way from where they are. To a point around but just under the originals IMO.

It's the high probability of getting a PMG that makes it hot. Originally they were so SP due to the overproduction of cards in the 90s, now you are guaranteed 1 per box. I love all the die-cuts and inserts available as well, but when you watch the vids and see the PMGs come out they look amazing compared to all other cards in this set (And being frank, pretty much anything Panini is putting out).

Time will tell how these college attired PMGs go. Personally, I think they will stay high, but will drop quite a way from where they are. To a point around but just under the originals IMO.

Cheers, ah nostalalgia. I agree as well in regards to Panini, i miss Upperdeck. :cry: Thanks Package.
When I tried to get a 90's KG PMG they were already selling for 500 for reds, out of my price range, I busted a few 08-09 Skybox boxes and pulled some reds and greens and they look nice, and was able to pick up a KG red 08-09 for 150. Love it. And you don't have to put up with surface and edge chipping like most of the originals have , one positive I guess!

Not sure on the Blue PMGs yet!
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