
My Cleary dual sigs came back today, but there was no Katoa Booklet, the three redemptions were sent together, and no explanation why it isnt in there?
Comms isn’t TLA’s strong suit…

Likely he hasn’t signed yet. They should really consider having a link on their site that is updated weekly with redemption availability.

In furtherance and support of the above comments, the Player Managers are often the conduit and don’t seem to take the timely ‘signings’ of the cards seriously, even though this is a paid and likely obligated function of the players contract.

I am also aware of a couple of isolated instances where PM’s have given the cards to be signed to club Media Managers to get the player to sign post training / function. The result was some very damaged cards. I can’t speak to the veracity of this but the source is generally spot on….
I had the same thing. I emailed them and they said my other card isn't signed yet. Email them and they will hopefully tell you.

Same reason for me as well i guess, although i will ask.

They could at least leave a simple note in the package, or send an email to explain.
Same reason for me as well i guess, although i will ask.

They could at least leave a simple note in the package, or send an email to explain.
Agreed, and this is definitely a shortcoming in their customer relations. They have improved but could do better. As I said, a link on redemption availability updated weekly would be an easy (and consumer friendly) way to manage this.
a link on redemption availability updated weekly would be an easy (and consumer friendly) way to manage this.

It would save them the hassle of replying to tons of emails from people asking where their redemptions are!

What happens if the signing never occurs? Has that happened before? Is there a reasonable deadline?

I don't recall this ever happening with Select back in the day, the case-hit signature was usually a redemption but I always assumed that was just a way to keep the big value signed cards safe out of the product until someone redeems it, if that makes sense.
I am not aware of any non-signers. However, Fifita signed his RTF signature cards (20 Elite) with a biro found on the gym floor…

Select were pretty good but in fairness to TLA, they produced maybe 1/3, probably less of the signature cards TLA do.

Look at 11 Champs when S1 had autos. 28 signatures across that and Strike.

Even in 2013, TLA (ESP then) produced 56 signatures across two releases. The redemptions have only been in recent years, I don’t recall any before 2015 and even then, they were only for RTF cards. I suspect players, or more likely player managers are getting harder to deal with.
Can anyone please tell me what size Magnetic One Touch holders the patch cards fit in? They are obviously thicker than a standard card but there are multiple thicknesses available in the holders. Cheers
I'd like to be definitive but as I have never had an Elite patch card in hand it would only be a guess. A 135pt would probably do the trick. Perhaps even a 100pt.

180pt is for pretty fat cards.