Telfs Card Park
I did a search last night on Beckett to see how many redemptions there are for non-prime silhouette autos and found 17 (1 in 2011-12 an Al Thornton I have never seen and am unsure actually exists and 16 in 2012-13).
My question is for other set collectors trying to reach 100% completion are you able to obtain info from Panini to see if you are waiting around for nothing? Are some redemptions never going to be filled? Like all set collectors unless the replacement is part of the set I am chasing I am not interested.
Thought I would just pose this question and ask if anyone sees the following redeemed non-prime silhouette autos around to give me a PM as I have never seen these not even the redemptions, cheers!
Al Thornton
Blake Griffin
LaMarcus Aldridge
Chris Paul
Eric Bledsoe
Jameer Nelson
Jeremy Lamb
Josh Harrellson
Austin Rivers
My question is for other set collectors trying to reach 100% completion are you able to obtain info from Panini to see if you are waiting around for nothing? Are some redemptions never going to be filled? Like all set collectors unless the replacement is part of the set I am chasing I am not interested.
Thought I would just pose this question and ask if anyone sees the following redeemed non-prime silhouette autos around to give me a PM as I have never seen these not even the redemptions, cheers!
Al Thornton
Blake Griffin
LaMarcus Aldridge
Chris Paul
Eric Bledsoe
Jameer Nelson
Jeremy Lamb
Josh Harrellson
Austin Rivers