Wow, haven't been here for a bit. Have a massive package coming next month but thought i'd get you caught up on whats coming in. Will have to take a break after this. More important things on the way!
Tim Kennelly Perth Heat hat
Mitch Dening Blue Sox Bat
Craig Shipley Bat
Trent Durrington Bat
Luke Hughes Signed Bat
David Kandilas Bat
Trent Oeljen Bat
Trent Oeltjen 09 WBC Nameplate
Trent Oeltjen 09 WBC Home Jersey
Rory Rhodes Bandits Jersey 2010-2012
Josh Roberts 2011-13 Bandits Jersey
Tim Kennelly Perth Heat hat

Mitch Dening Blue Sox Bat

Craig Shipley Bat

Trent Durrington Bat

Luke Hughes Signed Bat

David Kandilas Bat

Trent Oeljen Bat

Trent Oeltjen 09 WBC Nameplate

Trent Oeltjen 09 WBC Home Jersey

Rory Rhodes Bandits Jersey 2010-2012

Josh Roberts 2011-13 Bandits Jersey
