Received COMC which i don't think is mine (Durant)


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I received this Durant card in my comc box. I am pretty sure i didn't bid or win it, as i am actually having trouble identifying it.


What card is this?

If anyone knows what the card is and who might've ordered it, as i am wondering if someone else got a potential card which was meant for myself from the same seller...

I haven't had time to look fully into details yet, just wanted to put out a shout out to potentially get the ball rolling for resolving this (if required!)
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Thanks, that appears to be the card.

Unfortuntaley it does not seem to be an accidental gold mine ;p


Although it looks very common, i have identified one card i was expecting to get (and hasn't turned up yet) and cross referenced it with the same seller who sold this durant card at the same time. so i think i have a lead to work this out now.

Although the pc card i should've gotten is more valuable than this one :mad:
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