I'm sure we are all amazed at the US ebay 'scammers' out there who fail to check up on the real international shipping charges to see just how little they have changed. Or, maybe they have checked and are using the system to profit? Had one guy tell me that he justifies his $7 shipping charge to safeguard anyone filing a paypal chargeback against him ????? WTF
Some of the members here may have noticed, a small bubble mailer, usually containing once game-used or auto in a toploader used to cost 0.83c to 0.87c to mail via USPS Airmail Letter Post. Now here is the big change for that particular method from the US to Australia. It's now called USPS First Class Mail and the price is now a fixed 0.90 cent charge
How do these people get away with writing comments like this in their listings;
"International.... First Class Mail - postage prices have greatly increased due to the recent changes with the postal system.......... Shipping is not negotiable" all this for a $10 shipping tag when it really costs them 0.90 cents.
Some of the members here may have noticed, a small bubble mailer, usually containing once game-used or auto in a toploader used to cost 0.83c to 0.87c to mail via USPS Airmail Letter Post. Now here is the big change for that particular method from the US to Australia. It's now called USPS First Class Mail and the price is now a fixed 0.90 cent charge

"International.... First Class Mail - postage prices have greatly increased due to the recent changes with the postal system.......... Shipping is not negotiable" all this for a $10 shipping tag when it really costs them 0.90 cents.