Don't normally purchase off them but made a purchase the other day and received this email a moment ago
Thank you for your recent purchase.
I’m so sorry for the inconvenience but my father passed away last night and my mum is not currently in a position to fulfil any outstanding orders. I am in the process of sending refunds via Paypal for all payments and need to cancel all the transactions for mum to get the fees credited back.
My dad had 11,000 items listed and only he knew where everything is. My mum has lots of things to organise and needs some time to grieve. Maybe in a few weeks or months she will decide to reopen the ebay store and we may contact you to see if you’re still interested.
Your absolute patience and understanding at this horrible time for our family is truly appreciated, and I ask you to please refrain from leaving negative feedback as we had no way at all to foresee this – he was well a week ago.
Thank you and god bless.