First off i want to send out a huge thankyou to a lesser known member on OCT Pete who goes by the user name Jordan_23. This guy responded to a thread i had up a few weeks back asking for help with a certain shop in Japan. It turned out Pete was in Japan at the time and helped me to no end with getting in contact with them and also getting scans of a card i was trying to get, without his & his brother help this mailday wouldn't have been possible so again huge thanks Pete :v:
Now onto the radioactive part fresh off the plane express from Japan!
O.K O.K just playing with ya's
Got that base card off another great member Scotty which compliments this one
+1, the members on OCT never cease to amaze me. Seriously someone i'd never spoken to before was willing to travel around Japan to a card shop over there just to help a fellow collector out. Just unbelievable!
The top edge has a little chipping but overall im pretty happy with the condition of it