Quick Order mailday in Canada

The Truth

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My box arrived full of supplies and fresh wax :drool:
This is what my rant is about in heated discussions (customs charges :mad: )

I wasn't going to bust any of these until I returned home, but my lack of 'card busting' will power will get the better of me I think. The Genuine Box looks good to me. It has 2 mini boxes inside which will allow easier storage and packing if opened (that's my excuse anyway :razz: ). Dead keen on the 04/05 Finest. Best year by far for these. I was hooked when I first bought a stack of boxes when they came out. They were some good times, so I'm back. The XRC Redemptions are un-redeemable for the 04/05 Finest, but they are the serial numbered and sweet looking ones which are a nice "player collector" card anyways. Wishing I was home, then I could start ripping!

they look absolutely sweet.. :) .. 04-05, my favorite year :drool: .. will take all the #ed Dwight from ya :p

can't wait for u to get home LOL.
Thanks! I have to restrain myself. I also have some boxes back home already awaiting my return that I sent back with some of Sonny's stuff from Cleveland so there will be some fun had a day or 2 after I get back. Keep an eye out for that come December. I will have a HUUUUUGE mailday thread to organise for then. I'll be busy scanning for quite a while at that stage.
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