Question for South Australians ... (or previous visitors)


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Is Sports Card World in the Rundle Mall, Adelaide, worth a 20 min train ride from Glenelg to see?? I am in Adelaide late this week for work and thought I might check it out in my spare time.

Also wouldn't mind hearing where to Casino is relative to the city centre? And I'm sure you gentlemen wouldn't know anything of the Crazy Horse? ;)

Crazy horse is ok, heaps of slappers there though. And its insanely expensive, your probably better off staying away. If its in rundle mall, thats the middle of the city. Like most card shops its probably not worth a five minute ride. If you find yourself anywhere near elizabeth (and with any luck you wont haha) go to krustys pizza , best pizza in the world!
Depends what your looking for? Let me know and I can probably tell you if they'll have anything worthwhile for you.

The casino is on North Terrace, its like 5 minutes from rundle mall.
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