So I've seen a few of these advertised on linked pages, but don't fully understand the concept, as I've never participated in one. So lets say there's 1 done for a high-end case, something like Exquisite or Paninni's version of it, which would seem to be (roughly) 3 boxes a case, 1 pack a box, 6 cards a pack. So that would be 18 cards, right? So if EVERY team had an "owner" in the break, even if EVERY card was of a player from a different team, 12 people who put in money would come away with nothing? Am I understanding that correctly? Not having a go at the concept, as I may be wrong, and even if I'm right you'd be stoked if you got something good in a break like this, just trying to understand first of all how they work exactly...
It definitely is hit and miss, but that makes it fun. It also makes products accessible to those who might not have a chance to buy in. For example I would never be able to justify a flawless case or box to myself, but I'll pick the same team in a couple of breaks and up my odds of getting something out of it for a fraction of the price.
yep spot on. That's also why the teams are priced differently (eg. Lakers higher price because of chances of Kobe autos), the prices are normally also based on the checklist and how many hits are available per team.
i like the double gamble of random breaks, where the teams are allocated randomally also.