And VIC are feeling the pain - don't think QLD will declare - after VIC got 700 odd a few years ago, QLD now want VIC to chase leather for as long as possible. Play stopped right now cos of bad light and rain, Vic's only hope now is .. well they don't have any.
HUGE Score with everyone getting runs :
In response to VIC 344 all out in the first innings
Queensland 1st innings
*JP Maher c Pilon b Lewis 223, 29x4's
LM Stevens run out (Moss) 66, 7x4's
ML Love c Pilon b Jewell 169, 24x4's
SR Watson not out 201*, 23x4's, 1x6
CT Perren not out 155*, 10x4's, 5x6's
Extras (b 8, lb 13, w 11, nb 14) 46
(3 wickets, 229 overs) 860
And it goes on .. QLD for 1000!!!
HUGE Score with everyone getting runs :
In response to VIC 344 all out in the first innings
Queensland 1st innings
*JP Maher c Pilon b Lewis 223, 29x4's
LM Stevens run out (Moss) 66, 7x4's
ML Love c Pilon b Jewell 169, 24x4's
SR Watson not out 201*, 23x4's, 1x6
CT Perren not out 155*, 10x4's, 5x6's
Extras (b 8, lb 13, w 11, nb 14) 46
(3 wickets, 229 overs) 860
And it goes on .. QLD for 1000!!!