I'm realy hoping ESP can realease a limited set like the blues one about to come out? But for Qld I think a set 60 cards would be awesome one for every player that played in the 8 in a row, I think it was 49 players in total? Plus celebration shots? Or even a 8 in a row set of just 25 card set? What other poeple thoughts on this?
I'm realy hoping ESP can realease a limited set like the blues one about to come out? But for Qld I think a set 60 cards would be awesome one for every player that played in the 8 in a row, I think it was 49 players in total? Plus celebration shots? Or even a 8 in a row set of just 25 card set? What other poeple thoughts on this?
I'm realy hoping ESP can realease a limited set like the blues one about to come out? But for Qld I think a set 60 cards would be awesome one for every player that played in the 8 in a row, I think it was 49 players in total? Plus celebration shots? Or even a 8 in a row set of just 25 card set? What other poeple thoughts on this?