I have some spare inserts from my earlier break and will have some more when I break my boxes from the new cases in the next couple of days. Since a few people are now collecting this set, I thought I should post my spares. People who bought boxes from me will have priority to complete their sets if others are chasing the same cards.
Fighting Yank: $1 per single (1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17), $15 set (of 18)
Chrome / Chrome puzzle: $1.50 per single (1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9), $12 per set (of 9)
Alex Ross auto: $15 (AR1 or AR2)
Shipping is included.
I have updated my website with scans of sketches, see thumbnail page. High volume artists are only $3 (eg Pennington, Worley) with lots of character variety. There are also some high end sketches (Lau, Murphy, Richard, Eman Casallos), with best examples below. There are also many intermediate sketches to choose from.