banzini OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 131 0 0 Apr 14, 2013 #1 Hi all, need numbers 156,242,246,247 anyone have these for trade? I have lots of commons from prizm base happy to do 2 for 1. thanks!
Hi all, need numbers 156,242,246,247 anyone have these for trade? I have lots of commons from prizm base happy to do 2 for 1. thanks!
banzini OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 131 0 0 Apr 17, 2013 #2 bumpppp anyone know who cracked a case of prizm I could track down?
pugzyboy PC's ty lawson, jimmer fredette & anthony davis Feedback - 100% 129 0 0 Apr 18, 2013 #3 hey bud ive got them! send me your addy and ill get them out to you!