If you are living in Australia and you are knocking Australia why don't you get the f... out and dont let the door slap you on the ass on the way out...period...f...ing whinging poms
If you are living in Australia and you are knocking Australia why don't you get the f... out and dont let the door slap you on the ass on the way out...period...f...ing whinging poms
If you are living in Australia and you are knocking Australia why don't you get the f... out and dont let the door slap you on the ass on the way out...period...f...ing whinging poms
Doesn't mean you have more rights then any other Australian, Born here or not. Its narrow minded red necks like your self that helps fuel a lot of the worlds belief that Australia is a racist country.
Maybe "Captain Sensitive" would be more apt... "OMG!!! Someone doesn't blindly follow every team Australia churns out and rubbish their opposition every time they get a chance! Someone call Pauline Hanson!" Lol!
I dont have a problem with immigrants so cut the phobia and sensitive crap, if you leave your home country and come here and then have the nerve to knock the country that welcomed you here, then leave if you don't like it.. bloody whingers
I dont have a problem with immigrants so cut the phobia and sensitive crap, if you leave your home country and come here and then have the nerve to knock the country that welcomed you here, then leave if you don't like it.. bloody whingers
Mate, like everyone else, you're entitled to your opinion. But we're talking about sport here, champ! No-one's burning the Southern Cross in here... Maybe you've had a bad day, I dunno. But people talking crud about sports isn't really something to get worked up about, in my opinion...