Pretty Sweet Jambalaya...


King Judd
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After pulling a DR J Jambalaya today I thought it was only fitting that I post this Mailday from a package I received on Friday!!

Thanks to AUTOLOVER for this sweet card and a very good deal!! :thumbsup:


That is one nice card.:thumbsup: And congrats to the Dr J pull!

Those Jambalayas normally goes over BV on Ebay. Specially the first ones...
Thanks Alf!!

How funny that you have just replied to my thread...I was just digging up an old PM beween us about the one touch holders!

I'm gonna put in an order! :thumbsup:
gotta love jambalaya...this was one of my "eleanor's" couldnt win one for the life of me then snared one....dont think u could find a better player mate on one of those :D
gotta love jambalaya...this was one of my "eleanor's" couldnt win one for the life of me then snared one....dont think u could find a better player mate on one of those :D

Yeah Pip is an awesome player...would never quite speak of him in the same breath as MJ; but I do give him equally as much credit as MJ for the 6 titles!! Could not have done it without him!!

...and yeah; that is one sweet Jamba!! :D
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