LMAO at your comment "My boy Steve hates white guys"
I know you were talking baout HSV006 and I know you meant he hates pulling NBA cards with "white" players because most of the STARS are African Americans but the comment still cracked me up!
LMAO at your commend "My boy Steve hates white guys"
I know you were talking baout HSV006 and I know you meant he hates pulling NBA cards with "white" players because most of the STARS are African Americans but the comment still cracked me up!
Your good Richo..... Bang.... you hit the nail right on the head..... Every time Steve used to say that to me, I would just cringe... However it is good fodder and worth a shout out.
Box was Phat... Finally the redemption btw as Charles Oakley! Finally get his auto! However for everyone for this print run, its of him in a BULLS uniform. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
But I will keep it, as now I need Starks and Ewing autos and I will be able to not snore as much at night!
HELL NO... now your trolling! Darn you Richard! Shouldn't you be feeding the bubs or something, maybe changing a loaded nappy or even pulling weeds from the gardens... your so mean!