Predator Mailday (Finally) <warning 2 huge pics>


The Purrfectionist!
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Well as alot of people know as well as collecting Cards/Shoes/Jerseys I also collect Predator memorabilia....

After the latest release of AVP2 Requiem Sideshow bought out 3 seperate pieces that are Replicas , the WOLF PREDATORS MASK, DISC BLADE and finally the GUN......

heres a pic of the 3 that have been released

After much chasing up I got my hands on the first of the 3 Pieces and the one I really wanted ...The Mask....

This is by far my favourite thing I own atm just love it hope you guys enjoy it. Its sittin on my PC desk atm but will eventually get it put on my wall when I decide the right spot.




edit : sorry this should be in other maildays.
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