didnt bust much last month only court kings so choice is limited i guess best auto i'll put this in and the best gu/patch category is just a gu not sure if there is seperate best card category base wise but this was my favourite mr NBA logoman jerry west in perfect logoman pose
just a quick note, i was gunah pm you michael but i'll post it here to see what others think.
ALL IMO !!!!!
as far as the catorgories go, an auto should be just that, it shouldnt matter if it has a patch or gu or logo on it.. an auto should be in the auto class..
prize pending, i would like to see a 'insert' catorgory. there are some nice inserts getting around.. although panini is pumping out some trash aswell as.
any thoughts guys?
feel free to shoot me down if needed. lol
Forgive me if this has been covered (don't wanna read the rules again), but why aren't people providing the link to the proof of their box break like they did in the previous incarnation of this contest? Such as the break thread or video etc..
Forgive me if this has been covered (don't wanna read the rules again), but why aren't people providing the link to the proof of their box break like they did in the previous incarnation of this contest? Such as the break thread or video etc..
Thanks. Hence the reason why I didn't put up a poll last night. Seems that the hours of spending talking about issues and how this is going to run has not gotten through to people. Just because I say Like to the post is because I did get some responses, not because I am going to follow up to find out how and when you did your break.
The purpose of this is to give everyone some chance of having some fun, I am not an OP on this board so what I do is as a collector for collectors. Not saying the OPS here are not collectors, however they have a life and running a board takes many hours of dedicated work a week.
Someone PM'ed me and let me know that the last person who did this went through the threads and pulled out yadda yadda yadda. I wont do this, we are all grown up enough to do the correct thing for something you are getting for free. This to me is not a job, its a hobby, if it was a job, I wouldn't do it. In saying this, HOBBY is not scanning break threads, watching videos to see who has what. And in my response back to this member, he agreed with my logic, and for this, I thank him!
So I am going to let this go for one more week to see if we can get people to follow the simple rules.
Also, in response to Jared, the rules are just that, the rules. I came up with what I felt was fair to everyone so that way anyone can get involved. Because of the politics of it all and who is friends or trades with who, it will make a huge impact on how some will vote. I created 3 groups so everyone can get involved and hopefully break some of the politics away from voting. I do not see why having a division of comps is a bad thing. I also listened to the many suggestions that you all came up with and tried to implement them the best I could with keeping integrity in what the comps stand for.
If you want to run your own comp, please feel free to do so. There isn't any rules against running comps that I know of, and if you feel that it should be the best auto full stop, I don't feel that people will have an issue with this. It would add great depth to the board for people who want to join in. Hell, if it gets a great result, you can then take them all over or I can close this one down and you can be the man. I have no ego, so just to get this off the ground is what I'm looking to do, all on a suggestion on another thread by A_Iversion_1 so I put up my hand to do so.
Now I am going to ask one of the OPS of the board to please close this thread, when it has been done, I will start a new one. Anyone who has sent me the cards they want to submit in a PM, please do it the correct way. I will be deleting your PM's as its the only fair.