Huge relief, we were told everything came back normal. There is still a chance of miscarriage slightly more than normal but the huge stress is relieved.
You mentioned that you had problems with your other child. We had those sorts of problems as well - it resulted in a nerve injury to our daughter. She has recovered somewhat, but will always be affected. If you believe it was the hospital's fault, have you explored the option of litigation. We weren't going to, but then decided to have a crack. Now, my daughter is a millionaire, and still her health improves.
we are happy for the good news. It means there the little bubs is healthy. There are a few more hurdles and the chances of miscarriage are increased but we are confident all will be ok.
In regards to HBM - very sorry to hear about your little one but it is great news she is doing well. The stuff up with our first was not recording critical data about a Strep B test that came out positive. Without boring everyone, my girl was born not breathing, she had meningitis, neumoina and few other nasty illnesses. 10 days of intensive care and 5 of special care - we were told she could end up with brain damage, cerebral palsy, deafness and even learning disorders. We had a 10% chance of a healthy baby and thank god she is very healthy (that is why we cant sue the hospital). That was 2 yrs of worrying and now this.
All i can say is we have been very unlucky and so far very lucky but it causes havok with your emotions and relationships.