Well we have alot of post your fav PATCH posts ect how about POST YOUR FAV AUTO...and by this I don't mean your favourite card with an AUTO...I mean auto's that you can see the players took their time with and look really nice....
I'll start the Ball rolling with a Dr.J and Hakeem "The Dream" and lastly a Randy Foye "only auto of his I own where he has signed his full name"
Cant wait to see everyone elses.

P.s If anyone posts any Mo Agers or Rodney Carneys they are disqualified

I'll start the Ball rolling with a Dr.J and Hakeem "The Dream" and lastly a Randy Foye "only auto of his I own where he has signed his full name"

Cant wait to see everyone elses.

P.s If anyone posts any Mo Agers or Rodney Carneys they are disqualified