wow that was the first time ive seen that video, that too makes my blood boil!!!
I had something similar happen when i was out a couple of years ago......the police were called to the pub i am a regular at after a fight (which i nor any of my friends were involved in) when they got there one of my friends was bumped (as happens in a busy pub) he was drunk and fell backwards into and pushed the police office without even knowing..... now he hardly even touched this police officer (who was obviously a young bloke suffering from little mans disease and wanted to make a point) he put my mate in an arm bar and pushed his face up against the wall of the pub giving him a broken nose and blood pouring from the top of his right eye, then hand cuffed him and put him in the van...... i understand that they have a right to arrest people who are drunk and disordly (and my friend probably fit that category) but he is the most harmless friendly bloke and way to much force was used in that situation in my opinion, now people may argue that the police officer didnt do anything wrong here, however if the police officer used a little bit of common sense and asked my friend to get in the van, he would have, no questions asked......which is what he said at his court appearance in which he was completely cleared of any wrong doing and in the judges own words "the officer involved mis-interpreted the situation and did not follow correct procedure in arresting this man"..... Dont get me wrong police officers do a great job but this incident completely changed my opinion on police....... My mate ended up with $4500 compensation for his broken nose
That was way over board for sure. But I do think we only saw part of the story........could have been a lot more to it then the shoe. Either way, 2 grown men doing that to a girl is a joke. Having worked in a prison I can tell you a lot goes on to cause provocation (on both sides).....that's why I wouldn't be surprised if there were more to the story.
Either way, that was a joke! The way that guy acted you would have thought he had Anthony Mundine or something in there
I have been in Military Law Enforcement for 22 years and as a junior NCO working shift work I have been abused, spat on, vomited on and been subject to all manner of verbal abuse but not once have i had cause to respond in the manner as displayed in that video.
In my current posting where I have taught Police students we have a robust 'tough training' approach that exposes the student to those offences likely to be encountered on shift. The training level required for the Defensive Tactics module on our training program is very high, the student is to be exposed to a whole range of variables in all environmental conditions and if any one of my Police men or women responded in such a manner to that level of threat (as indicated in the footage) I would charge them myself. Any person in either civil or military law enforcement is there to protect and serve the community not to beat and assault.
Having said all that, pls remember that all Police are human and can be subject to the same pressures that affect members of the general populace and people snap for no other reason that it is that one event that breaks the camels back but nothing excuses the response I saw on that video.
Respect the Authority?
No offense but no one on this earth has the right to put there hands on any one regardless being provoked that is just an excuse!
What about her parents ? to see that and that is in insight to just a fliker at how this so called Authority" treat people over small incidents.
The way that Weak cop attacked the girl was a reaction to a bloke 6'4 110 kg attacking him at full force not a small young female with a bit of lip .
They are there to protect not abuse the system to throw there weight around by beating people , and the concept of having a tool that got his head kicked in at school as a cop out on the streets looking for payback is ridiculous is this what is supposedly upholding the Law and so called a protecting Authority ? what Im saying a bit slower and you might understand me.
Im not excusing what they did...Im saying if you act like an idiot you never know which cop will be the one that was bullied around so much they became a cop to push back and hide behind their badge.
As this video shows, there are those kind of cops out there.
Just tell me Im wrong with a straight face that had she just done what she was told properly, she would have walked away scratch free.
Respect the Authority?
No offense but no one on this earth has the right to put there hands on any one regardless being provoked that is just an excuse!
What about her parents ? to see that and that is in insight to just a fliker at how this so called Authority" treat people over small incidents.
The way that Weak cop attacked the girl was a reaction to a bloke 6'4 110 kg attacking him at full force not a small young female with a bit of lip .
They are there to protect not abuse the system to throw there weight around by beating people , and the concept of having a tool that got his head kicked in at school as a cop out on the streets looking for payback is ridiculous is this what is supposedly upholding the Law and so called a protecting Authority ?
Your arguing with a guy (NSCF) who has admitted he hasn't even seen the video, don't waste your time dude!
His comments are not worth a pinch of salt unless he has actually seen the brutality we are talking about
Your arguing with a guy (NSCF) who has admitted he hasn't even seen the video, don't waste your time dude!
His comments are not worth a pinch of salt unless he has actually seen the brutality we are talking about
Actually I watched the video at a wireless spot a few hrs ago and my statement stands.
If you would actually try to read what Im saying.
If she had flipped her shoes at the cop like that to piss him off...she would have been just fine...plain and I condone the cops actions? Absolutely not but apparently you cant seem to get that fact even though Ive said it several times.
Stop trying to make it seem like Im wanting to throw a parade for the cops.
Its like you have a mental block on what Im trying to say because I gave an opinion on a whole subject before watching one incident.