Another day, another superstar special guest announced for Saturday’s exclusive Panini VIP Party at the 2013 National Sports Collectors Convention. Late Thursday afternoon, Panini America officials confirmed that Pedro Martinez, one of the most dominant pitchers of the modern era, will appear Saturday alongside fellow headliners Yasiel Puig, Chris Chelios, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Thomas Robinson and DJ Kool.
Martinez is an eight-time All-Star who won three Cy Young Awards a World Series title during an illustrious 18-year career. The feisty fireballer won three league strikeout crowns and finished his career with 214 wins. Like the other special guests appearing at Saturday’s event, Martinez will sign an exclusive Panini Authentic custom photograph for attendees. We’ve provided a sneak peek at his photo, as well as those of the other guests announced so far, below.
As of the close of the National on Thursday, company officials had distributed the vast majority of party invitations and have limited spots remaining. Stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional guest announcements in the coming days.